Unlike Brazil, the four seasons here are very specific, when one ends we have to wait up to nine months for it to happen again. So I decided this year I'll enjoy them a lot, experiencing what belongs to each one. As yesterday was considered the first official day of Summer and longest day of the year, I have prepared my list of "Summer resolutions". Here it goes:
Experimentar a bebida mais badalada do verão: Pimm´s, um cocktail feito com frutas, pepino e hortelã - Have a cup of Pimm´s, the most popular summer coktail.
Visitar um campo com plantações de lavanda - Go to visit a lavender field.
Tomar um afternoon tea em estilo numa casa de cha chic ou num hotel legal. Tudo bem que afternoon tea e mais pros dias frios, mas vou ter a visita das minhas irmas e vamos juntas - Have a afternoon tea in a nice place.
Visitar os museus e galerias de artes de Londres -Go to visit the museums and London art galeries.